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Subject: ADAM Survey Questionnaire
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From: Tony Gill <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 08 May 1996 15:19:28 +0100
Organization: ADAM Project
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ADAM Project: 1996 Survey of User Information Needs and Search Methods
The ADAM Project is setting up an information gateway to quality-checked
Internet resources in art, design, architecture and media, at

The aim of this survey is to gain insight into the information needs
and search methods of potential users of the service.  We are interested
in the views of regular Internet users and those who have little or no
experience of the Internet.

If you work or study in the fields of art, design, architecture or media,
we would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete and
return our questionnaire -- we want to develop a service that is relevant
to your needs. There is also a GBP 100 prize draw, available to UK
residents -- please make sure you give your name and address and return
the questionnaire by 31st May 1996.

If you have access to the World Wide Web, please complete the survey form

The Web version of the questionnaire is easier for you to complete, and
easier for us to process automatically. If you do not have access to the
WWW, please complete the questionnaire below and e-mail it to us at:

    [log in to unmask]

ADAM Project, Department of Historical & Critical Studies, University of
Northumbria, Newcastle NE1 1BR.

Please type all your responses between the square brackets:

Name: [ ]        This section is not required,
Address: [ ]     but must be completed if you
Postcode: [ ]    wish to enter the prize draw

Section I User Background

1 What is your main place of work or study?
  (please [X] one)
   [ ] Library
   [ ] Teaching department
   [ ] Image Library
   [ ] Museum/gallery/arts centre
   [ ] Business or Commercial organisation
   [ ] Other - please describe [ ]

2 Which of the following best describes your establishment, in relation
  to the above?
  (please [X] one)
   [ ] University
   [ ] Public authority
   [ ] Institute of HE
   [ ] Independent/charitable trust
   [ ] Institute of FE
   [ ] Private or commercial
   [ ] Freestanding or autonomous school (of art, design, architecture or
   [ ] Other - please describe [ ]

3 Which of the following best describes your main areas of work/study?
  (please [X] one)
   [ ] fine art - painting, prints, drawings, sculpture, other contemporary
   [ ] art - theory, history, philosophy, other contextual studies
   [ ] art - other
   [ ] design - fashion, textiles, surface pattern
   [ ] design - graphic, illustration, typography
   [ ] design - industrial, product, packaging
   [ ] design - interior
   [ ] design - ceramics, glass, metal, furniture, jewellery
   [ ] design - theatre
   [ ] design - theory, history, philosophy, other contextual studies
   [ ] design - other
   [ ] architecture
   [ ] architecture - history, theory
   [ ] town planning
   [ ] landscape design
   [ ] media - film, television, broadcasting
   [ ] media - photography, animation
   [ ] media studies
   [ ] media - photography in design or art
   [ ] media - other
   [ ] Other - please describe [ ]

4 What is your main role or function, in relation to Question 3?
  (please [X] one)
   [ ] Librarian
   [ ] Lecturer
   [ ] Researcher
   [ ] Undergraduate student
   [ ] Practising professional
   [ ] Postgraduate student
   [ ] Other - please describe [ ]

Section II Information Uses and Retrieval Processes

5 General sources - please rank your use of the following media as
  information sources for your work where
  4=very frequently  3=frequently 2=infrequently  1=never
     books and periodicals     [ ]
     film/video                [ ]
     CD ROM                    [ ]
     online search of Internet [ ]
     electronic mail           [ ]
     Other - please specify [ ][ ]

6 Approaches to searching - do you find it useful to search for information
  by the following? Please rank, where
  4=very useful 3=useful  2=of little use  1=no use at all
     subject            [ ]
     keyword            [ ]
     author             [ ]
     resource type      [ ]
     physical location  [ ]

7 Classification systems - do you find it useful to search by the following
  (please [X] all that apply)
    [ ] Dewey Decimal
    [ ] Library of Congress (LC)
    [ ] An adapted version of Dewey Decimal
    [ ] Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
    [ ] Other - please describe [ ]

8 Have you ever encountered any difficulties in obtaining information?
  (please [X] as applicable)
    [ ] No     If no, please go to question 9
    [ ] Yes    If yes, please [X] all of the following that apply:

    [ ] Locating material
    [ ] Gaining access to material
    [ ] Availability of material (restrictions on loans or borrowing)
    [ ] Cost
    [ ] Speed of access
    [ ] Other - please specify [ ]

9 Do you ever rely on another person to carry out your information searches
  for you?
    [ ] No
    [ ] Yes    If yes, please indicate on a scale of 1 - 4  [ ] where
               4=very frequently 3=frequently 2=infrequently  1=never

Section III     ADAM: Future developments

10 We envisage forming a consultation group later this year.  Internet
   Training would be provided in return for evaluation of ADAM and regular
   consultation during its development.  Would you be interested in taking
   part in this process?
    [ ] No
    [ ] Yes

Section IV Experience and Use of Computers

11 Approximately how often do you use computers?
   (please [X] one)
    [ ] daily
    [ ] weekly
    [ ] monthly
    [ ] spasmodically
    [ ] rarely
    [ ] never

12 Do you have any experience of computer based information searches?
   Please indicate on a scale of 1 - 4 where
   4=very experienced  3=some experience  2=a little experience  1=none
    [ ]

13 Do you ever use a thesaurus as an aid to information searching?
    [ ] No
    [ ] Yes

14 Internet access - do you have access to Internet services?
    [ ] No - continue with question 15
    [ ] Yes - go to question 16

15 Would you like to be able to access any of the following ?
   (Please [X] all that apply)
    [ ] browsing World Wide Web
    [ ] electronic mail
    [ ] subscription to lists for reading only
    [ ] active participation in online discussion groups
    [ ] Other - please describe [ ]

If you do not have access to the Internet, you need not answer the
remaining questions -- please e-mail to [log in to unmask] Thank you for
your co-operation.

16 Type of Internet access  (Please [X] all that apply)
    [ ] At work on your own machine
    [ ] At work on a shared machine
    [ ] At home on your own machine
    [ ] At home on a shared machine

17 What services do you use?  (Please [X] any that apply)
    [ ] browsing World Wide Web
    [ ] electronic mail
    [ ] subscription to lists for reading only
    [ ] active participation in online discussion groups
    [ ] Other - please describe [ ]

18 Which browsers do you use regularly?  (Please [X] any that apply)
    [ ] Netscape
    [ ] Lynx
    [ ] Mosaic
    [ ] Internet Explorer
    [ ] Other graphical browsers, please describe [ ]
    [ ] Other non-graphical browsers, please describe [ ]

19 Approximately how often do you use Internet Services?
   (Please [X] one only)
    [ ] daily
    [ ] weekly
    [ ] monthly
    [ ] spasmodically
    [ ] rarely
    [ ] never

20 Awareness of Internet Search tools -- which of these are you aware of?
   (Please [X] all that apply)
    [ ] Lycos
    [ ] Web Crawler
    [ ] Yahoo!
    [ ] Infoseek
    [ ] Alta Vista
    [ ] BUBL
    [ ] Harvest

21 Do you find any online bibliographic services useful?
   (Please [X] all that apply)
    [ ] BIDS
    [ ] BLAISE
    [ ] CARL
    [ ] DIALOG
    [ ] OCLC First Search
    [ ] Data-Star
    [ ] OPACS in other libraries (via Janet)
    [ ] Other - please describe [ ]

Section V Internet Search Tools and Useful Sites

22 Internet Search Tools - If you have used any of the search tools listed
   below, please evaluate them by completing as many or as few categories
   as you can.

  Frequency of use: (Please [X] one)
   [ ] Daily
   [ ] At least once a week
   [ ] At least once a month
   [ ] Spasmodically
   [ ] Rarely
   [ ] Never

  Ease of use                      [ ]   where 1=difficult,  5=easy
  Speed                            [ ]   where 1=slow,       5=fast
  Number of search matches in list [ ]   where 1=too few,    5=too many

  For search matches listed, how good is the quality of the description?
  [ ]  where 1=not enough,  5=too much

  Of those matches listed, how many are relevant to your query?
  [ ]  where 1=mostly not,  5=most are

  Overall rating of search tool :
  [ ]   where 1=poor,  5=excellent

WebCrawler :
  Frequency of use: (Please [X] one)
   [ ] Daily
   [ ] At least once a week
   [ ] At least once a month
   [ ] Spasmodically
   [ ] Rarely
   [ ] Never

  Ease of use                      [ ]   where 1=difficult,  5=easy
  Speed                            [ ]   where 1=slow,       5=fast
  Number of search matches in list [ ]   where 1=too few,    5=too many

  For search matches listed, how good is the quality of the description?
  [ ]  where 1=not enough,  5=too much

  Of those matches listed, how many are relevant to your query?
  [ ]  where 1=mostly not,  5=most are

  Overall rating of search tool :
  [ ]   where 1=poor,  5=excellent

Yahoo :
  Frequency of use: (Please [X] one)
   [ ] Daily
   [ ] At least once a week
   [ ] At least once a month
   [ ] Spasmodically
   [ ] Rarely
   [ ] Never

  Ease of use                      [ ]   where 1=difficult,  5=easy
  Speed                            [ ]   where 1=slow,       5=fast
  Number of search matches in list [ ]   where 1=too few,    5=too many

  For search matches listed, how good is the quality of the description?
  [ ]  where 1=not enough,  5=too much

  Of those matches listed, how many are relevant to your query?
  [ ]  where 1=mostly not,  5=most are

  Overall rating of search tool :
  [ ]   where 1=poor,  5=excellent

Infoseek :
  Frequency of use: (Please [X] one)
   [ ] Daily
   [ ] At least once a week
   [ ] At least once a month
   [ ] Spasmodically
   [ ] Rarely
   [ ] Never

  Ease of use                      [ ]   where 1=difficult,  5=easy
  Speed                            [ ]   where 1=slow,       5=fast
  Number of search matches in list [ ]   where 1=too few,    5=too many

  For search matches listed, how good is the quality of the description?
  [ ]  where 1=not enough,  5=too much

  Of those matches listed, how many are relevant to your query?
  [ ]  where 1=mostly not,  5=most are

  Overall rating of search tool :
  [ ]   where 1=poor,  5=excellent

Alta Vista :
  Frequency of use: (Please [X] one)
   [ ] Daily
   [ ] At least once a week
   [ ] At least once a month
   [ ] Spasmodically
   [ ] Rarely
   [ ] Never

  Ease of use                      [ ]   where 1=difficult,  5=easy
  Speed                            [ ]   where 1=slow,       5=fast
  Number of search matches in list [ ]   where 1=too few,    5=too many

  For search matches listed, how good is the quality of the description?
  [ ]  where 1=not enough,  5=too much

  Of those matches listed, how many are relevant to your query?
  [ ]  where 1=mostly not,  5=most are

  Overall rating of search tool :
  [ ]   where 1=poor,  5=excellent

  Frequency of use: (Please [X] one)
   [ ] Daily
   [ ] At least once a week
   [ ] At least once a month
   [ ] Spasmodically
   [ ] Rarely
   [ ] Never

  Ease of use                      [ ]   where 1=difficult,  5=easy
  Speed                            [ ]   where 1=slow,       5=fast
  Number of search matches in list [ ]   where 1=too few,    5=too many

  For search matches listed, how good is the quality of the description?
  [ ]  where 1=not enough,  5=too much

  Of those matches listed, how many are relevant to your query?
  [ ]  where 1=mostly not,  5=most are

  Overall rating of search tool :
  [ ]   where 1=poor,  5=excellent

Harvest :
  Frequency of use: (Please [X] one)
   [ ] Daily
   [ ] At least once a week
   [ ] At least once a month
   [ ] Spasmodically
   [ ] Rarely
   [ ] Never

  Ease of use                      [ ]   where 1=difficult,  5=easy
  Speed                            [ ]   where 1=slow,       5=fast
  Number of search matches in list [ ]   where 1=too few,    5=too many

  For search matches listed, how good is the quality of the description?
  [ ]  where 1=not enough,  5=too much

  Of those matches listed, how many are relevant to your query?
  [ ]  where 1=mostly not,  5=most are

  Overall rating of search tool :
  [ ]   where 1=poor,  5=excellent

23 Using this form you can inform us of your favourite sites. You might
   access them daily or rarely, but if you feel that they contain
   information which may be of use to others in your field, please notify
   us of them here.

  Site Name         : [ ]
  Address/URL       : [ ]
  Brief Description : [ ]

  Category: (Please [X] all that apply)
   [ ] Art
   [ ] Design
   [ ] Architecture
   [ ] Media

  Reason for use of resource : (please [X] all that apply)
   [ ] Illustration source
   [ ] Factual Information
   [ ] Research
   [ ] Entertainment
   [ ] Work placement
   [ ] Professional development
   [ ] Support for learning
   [ ] Support for teaching
   [ ] Foreign study opportunity
   [ ] Other :[ ]

Please add any comments or observations below
  [  ]

Please e-mail the completed questionnaire to [log in to unmask] Don't
to include your name and address if you'd like to take part in the UK prize

Thank you for your co-operation.

== Tony Gill ================================= ADAM Project Leader ==
 Surrey Institute of Art & Design * Farnham * Surrey * GU9 7DS * UK
      Tel: +44 (0)1252 722441 x2427 * Fax: +44 (0)1252 712925
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