

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

The question of authoritative CD reviews came up in the Reference and
Information Services Section meeting, as well as during the past year as
a suggestion for strategic planning. It is true that some CD products are
in fact being reviewed in ArtDoc, and that is great, but our hope was that
the publishers might begin to look to ARLIS publications as a source in
which they WANT their products reviewed. We will be adding informal reviews
of CD materials used in reference to our column in Update, providing that
users send me their experiences; these reviews will be mostly of the "this
works and this doesn't" variety. I know there are publishers out there
"listening"on the List, and would hope that they "hear" us!

Keep this subject alive; maybe we will become THE source for those reviews
we all want so much.

Anne Shankland
Update Column Editor for RISS
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, Maine 04011
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