

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Please excuse any cross-posting on various lists...

  A reposting of the call for papers, the deadline of May 1st has
been extended to May 24th, Friday, but please try to get your ideas
to me as soon as you can.

Pat Keats, VRA VP and Conference Chair

Call for Papers

  Fifteenth Annual VRA Conference
    February 11-15, 1997, New York

     The fifteenth annual Visual Resources Association conference
will take place Tuesday,  February 11 through Saturday, February 15
in New York City.  Once again, the VRA conference will be concurrent
with the College Art Assoication's annual meeting.  This coming year
we hope to have reciprocal sessions at each conference, and the
hotels are near enough to one another to allow for easy access from
one conference to the other.  The local New York City VRA members
have already formed a local arrangements committee, headed by
Margaret Richardson of the Pratt Institute, the local chapter
president.  Some activities are already being planned as is the
Luraine Tansey dinner and some visits to local slide and photograph
      Proposals and moderators for VRA sessions are what is need now
from you, the membership.  Topics have been suggested from the
evaluations received so far from conference attendees, but we are
open to any suggestions you feel are needed.   Examples of some
possible topics are as follows:  shared image databases, digital
imaging, intellectual property rights, copyright, new ways to use
digitized images- research, teaching, etc., automation of
collections, the WEB, budget problems and how to cope, use of
interns, impact of digital imaging on the profession, setting up a
database, subject cataloging, image collections in disciplines other
than art - i.e. architecture, how we can improve our image instead of
focusing on how bad it is, security issues, MESL, and selecting
    Roundtable discussion leaders are also needed, suggested topics
include: organizing and teaching in the digital environment, meetings
of special collections ( i.e. architecture) curators, regional
chapter meetings, and VRMS meetings.
    Workshop leaders are also needed, and the suggestions so far have
included: use of AAT and ULAN, intro to lexicons such as AAT,
Iconclass and ULAN, Embark workshop, setting up a home page and HTML,
scanning, how to automate a slide library, cataloging,  and basics of
digital imaging.
     Formal session and rountable proposals should be made in the
form of short w ritten statements of no more than one page by those
interested in acting as session moderators or roundtable moderators.
Workshop proposals should also be made in the form of a short written
statement, and should include any necessary requirements.  All
proposals should include any A-V and/or computer equipment needed,
and an estimated cost of what this may run.  Please send proposals
to: Patricia Keats, Vice-President, VRA, 2415 Lake Street, San
Francisco, CA  94121.  EMAIL:  [log in to unmask]; FAX:
(415)357-1848, PHONE: (4115) 357-1848, ext. 19.  Proposals must be
received in San Francisco no later than May 1st to ensure proper
     More specific information about the conference and a call for
papers will be
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included in upcoming issues of the Bulletin.  If you attended this
year's conference in San Antonio, and have not yet returned your
conference questionnaire, please do so.  Your comments and
suggestions are welcome and will most definitely be considered in
planning the 1997 conference in  Boston. Many of the suggestions
above are directly from the questionnaires.

Patricia Keats
VRA, Vice-President
Director of the Library
California Historical Society