

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>We are currently in the midst of deciding which new CD-ROMs to order
>for our collection.
>The CDs in question are:
>1.   Art right now (Discovery Media)

(Wrote this up myself for the list - a bit rough and ready)

Same company that made AVAD, Australian Visual Artists Database,  a text
reference CD ROM, comprised of  biographical, bibliographic, exhibition
data from various recognised Australian print reference tools, such as Max
Germaines " Artists and Galleries", etc.

"Art Right Now" selects  48 contemporary Australian artists from the 1994
gallery scene, 10 images per artist. Mouse driven, it has access via artist
name, themes, tests (for student revision use), your slide show ( for
creation of your own program for educational purposes the slides may be
downloaded to your own hard disk). Includes brief artists biog., photo
portrait of many artists, synopsis of each work based on selected  reviews
and artists own comments.

A speaker button allows us to listen to 10 of these artists discussing
their work eg. John Cattapan, Peter E. Charuk, Christopher Hodges, Jennifer
Joseph, etc.

Representation includes aboriginal art, feminist art, cultural themes,
landscape, abstraction, figuration.

Media: painting, mixed media, 3-D Forms, Installation-based art.

A very good introduction to some of the artists in the contemporary
Australian art scene, representing current developments in 1994. Further
projects are planned.

Designed for secondary and tertiary use.

Discovery Media
PO Box 263
Woollahra NSW 2025

Fax (02) 369 2276
Tel (02) 369 4314


Jennifer QCA

>2.  Dutch Masters (Phillips Interactive Media)
>3.  Dutch and Flemish Masters (CIDOC/CHIN)
>4.  Painters painting / by Ron Mann, based on the film by Emile de
>          Antonio (Digi-Box?)
>Andrew Logie
>Fine Arts Library
>University of Auckland
>Private Bag 92019
>Tel 64-9-3737599 x8078
>Fax 64-9-3737041

Jennifer Brasher                        EMAIL: [log in to unmask]
Art Librarian                           VOICE: +61 (07) 3875 3132
                                        FAX: +61 (07) 3875 3133
Queensland College of Art Library
Griffith University
Clearview Terrace
Morningside Campus
PO Box 84 Morningside Brisbane Queensland 4170 Australia

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw
