

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I am working on a project at to catalog Paul Rand's archives with the
> idea of eventually mounting the resulting database and images on the
> Web.  The project is grant-funded and needs to be off and running
> quickly.  If anyone has experience with cataloging GRAPHIC DESIGN
> materials, designing a small database that has been mounted on the
> Web, OR applying AAT terminology or LC's Graphic Materials terminology to
> graphic design material I would greatly appreciate establishing contact.

Greta - You might find it useful to contact the people involved
in the ICOGRADA Archives Project, which aims to do the same
sort of thing. Try contacting Teal Triggs at:

       [log in to unmask]

John McKay
Ravensbourne College of Design & Communication
Walden Road, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5SN, UK
phone  +44 (0)181-468 7071
fax  +44 (0)181-295 1070