

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Judy and other architecture section members,

I'm interested in something relating to architectural archives: COPAR
projects, access and preservation issues related to new technologies, what
placing finding aids on the web does to your use statistics/demands for
services, etc.  Beth Dodd & I are just starting to explore the feasibility
of compiling a guide to architectural records in Texas and would love to
hear from anyone who's already done this kind of project.  Also, I might be
able to talk one of the Library School faculty members here into giving a
talk about using postcard collections for architecture research if this
would fit into a session.

I'm assuming that one of the tours we'll offer will be to Austin where
members can visit our Architectural Drawings Collection among other sites.
(This would tie in nicely with an archives related session).

Anyone else interested in this?


Janine Henri
Head Librarian
Architecture & Planning Library
The University of Texas at Austin
[log in to unmask]

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>The section's steering committee is mulling over some ideas, but every-
>thing is completely fluid at this point, so now's your chance.
>Additionally, as you know, we will be electing a moderator-elect of the
>section in Miami when Kitty Chibnik of Columbia Un. becomes the moderator
>for 1996/97.  The moderator-elect becomes part of the steering committee
>along with the current and past moderators and the UPDATE editor.  In
>this capacity there's a lot of time to learn more about what the section is
>doing, and what more could be done - a good breaking-in process before
>moving up to moderator.  If you're interested in this post, please don't
>hesitate to let me know.  If you'd like to nominate another, that's equally
>welcome.  Please contact me anytime between now and late April.
>Another post open is that of the UPDATE Editor.  Manya Chylinski is finishing
>up her term and is unable to continue.  The editor is also a member of the
>steering committee, and is responsible for submitting a column to UPDATE
>4 x a year.  If there's anyone out there who would like to be considered for th
>is, please let me know.
>A final thought - would someone be so kind as to volunteer to be the recorder
>for our business meeting?  This involves sitting up front with us and taking
>minutes which you will write up and send to various folks right after the
>conference.  Thanks in advance!
>Looking forward to hearing from you all on all the above, and on any other
>topic you'd like to bring to my attention.   Regards.
>                                                     Judy
>JUDY CONNORTON                 E-MAIL:   INTERNET: [log in to unmask]
>CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK       VOICE:    212-650-8766
>138TH ST. AND CONVENT AVE.       FAX:    212-832-7662
>NEW YORK, NY  10021
>2 7
>0 0 1 0 0
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