

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
A few weeks, I posted details of a vacancy for Librarian of the Courtauld
Institute to the list in response to a personal request. The details submitted
were also fully accessible to the public elsewhere on the WWW (UK Library
Association URL I had hoped to post
anonymously in case any list-member got the mistaken impression that I had any
role in the recruitment of the said post, which I do not. I am, of course,
assured by those in the Institute who are responsible for recruitment, that
the transmission of openly-published job advertisements involved no breach
of privileged information.

If my posting has caused any confusion or any perceived breach of "netiquette"
then I offer my apologies as this was not my intention.

Timothy Huw Davies  BA MSc ALA
Assistant Librarian                     "Pa wlad wedi siarad sydd
Courtauld Institute of Art               Mor la+n a Chymru lonydd"
University of London

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