

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Janine Henri posted some thoughts on a possible session for the 1997
ARLIS Conference in San Antonio.  One of her suggestions involves architec-
tural recordkeeping and COPAR's role.  Coincidentally, the possibility of
ARLIS chapter involvement with COPAR'S efforts across the country is one
that Tom Jacoby and I have been discussing informally for several months
and which we decided would be a good possibility for a program session.
Involvement by Janine and Beth Dodd would be welcome and their ideas on
related ideas are interesting food for thought.  I hope all Section members
give this topic consideration before our Miami business meeting and come
prepared to suggest even more ideas for fleshing out a proposal.

We look forward to other proposals too - a few to toss around:  a session
on the architecture of the Southwest US and Mexico -could focus on the
work of architects such as Predock, Bart Prince, Barragan, Legoretta, etc.
What influenced them,  who's following their lead?  BI in academic architecture
libraries seems to be in the news now - see JAE, 2/96 for Sheila Klos's
on-target article.  How are people using the Internet, WWW?  Can we have
people giving actual demos on how a class is taught using computers?  Another
thought - standardizing stats being collected for self-studies and the possible
sharing of those studies.

I know there are probably a lot of other topics percolating out there.  Please
come prepared to discuss any of the above or introduce your own.  Suggestions
for speakers, etc would be a real plus.   Feel free to run anything by me in
advance.   Thank you, and see you all soon!

JUDY CONNORTON                 E-MAIL:   INTERNET: [log in to unmask]
CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK       VOICE:    212-650-8766
138TH ST. AND CONVENT AVE.       FAX:    212-832-7662
NEW YORK, NY  10021