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You are invited to attend:

Living the Future: Process Improvement and Organizational Change at
the University of Arizona Library.

Join the librarians and classified staff at the University of Arizona
Library for a demonstration  on how an academic library  is
transforming itself by turning uncertainty and change into innovative
improvements for staff and customers.

The Program

Living the Future: Process Improvement and Organizational Change at
the University of Arizona Library is a five track program, with a
plenary session each morning and afternoon, followed by three to four
concurrent sessions.

Topics Include:

Process improvements--efforts and results
The team-based organization: theory and promises
Transforming organizational culture
A historical overview of library restructuring: from hierarchy to
team-based organizations
Changing roles: librarians and staff as the new decision makers
Restructuring: staff development/human resource issues
Staff -driven planning and budgeting
Becoming a learning organization
Valuing diversity: progress and understanding
Needs assessment and customer satisfaction

When : Wednesday 5:00 p.m. - Saturday, May 1-4
Where: The University of Arizona; Tucson
Cost: $290 ($100) for full-time students
Presenters: University of Arizona Librarians and Library Staff

You can get more information and register by visiting our World Wide
Web site:


Register by  emailing the following information to
[log in to unmask]: YES!

Please register me for Living the Future
Conference code: 61ULLIB214. Cost: $290

I am a full-time student. Please register me at the $100 student
rate. My student ID# is:______________

Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. ________________________________________

Title _______________________________

Organization ___________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________

City __________________________________________________

State _______________________________________________


Country ______________________________________________

Daytime Phone (  ) ________________________________________

Evening Phone (  ) ________________________________________

Fax (  ) _________________________________________________

E-mail _________________________________________________


Payment Information: Total Payment $ ____________________________

Purchase Order # _____________________________________________

Credit Card:  VISA  Mastercard _________________________________
Account Number  Expiration Date _______________________________

Amount to be charged $ _______________________________________

Name of cardholder, if different from above: _________________________

SooYoung So                          |
Assistant to the Dean for Planning   |
University of Arizona Library, A349  |  (520) 621-4776
1510 E. University                   |  (520) 621-9733 FAX
Tucson, AZ 85720-0055                |
                        [log in to unmask]
                    "Das Leben ist kurz, SLRP ist lang."