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Take a little time away from the conference center to explore Pittsburgh! (It’s okay, we won’t tell.) You’ll find incredible eats, contemporary art, indie bookstores, springtime sports, and… banjos?


Read on for recommendations, and be sure to check out the ARLIS/NA Local Guide for easy navigation and planning.

Two dinosaur skeletons in the Carnegie Museum, towering over a display of flora and other bone fragments.
Carnegie Museum of Natural History

See art (or dinosaurs):

Eat food:

A fork and platter of pierogi (dumplings) topped with chives and small golden onion. The person about to enjoy them is wearing blue nail polish.

Polish pierogi (‘Beskidische Teigtaschen’) by Silar, under CC BY-SA 3.0

Buy books:

Pittsburgh is full of independent bookstores! Check out the Local Guide listing or drop into one of these spots:

Watch a game:

Banner for "Unblurred", with the text "art. Music. Performance. First Fridays on Penn."

Do something unexpected:


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