It’s not too late to join one of our great tours!


Registration closes this Friday, March 29 at 12:00PM EDT, so if you’ve been on the fence about signing up, this is your reminder. 



Take in the extraordinary murals by Maxo Vanka, travel around the world and back in time with a tour of the University of Pittsburgh Nationality Rooms, print your own letterpress bookplates at the Text and conText Lab, or catch a Venice Architecture Biennale redux at Everlasting Plastics. Spaces remain on the following tours:


Tuesday, April 2


Thursday, April 4


Friday, April 5


Saturday, April 6


To register or learn more, visit the ARLIS/NA conference site.



Lynn Kawaratani, POP! Local Arrangements Co-Chair

Stephanie Grimm, POP! Conference Publicity Coordinator



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