Hello everyone, 

I'm reaching out to let everyone know that we will be holding the Architecture & Planning Section meeting on Tuesday, April 9, at 1pm EDT. 

We will be discussing the direction of the SIG moving forward, as well as how we would like to define our relationship with AASL. We will also elect a new moderator, as Shannon Robinson and I will be stepping down co-moderators after this meeting. Please reach out to me directly if you are interested in volunteering for this role. 

This meeting should take no longer than an hour; please join us on 4/9 using the following Zoom link: https://wentworth.zoom.us/j/83105413189?pwd=bXRuQ0pDMGdpMnU0S0VTV1dZMXhtUT09&from=addon  

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. 


Callie Cherry, MLIS MA (she/her)

Reference & Instruction Librarian, Exhibits Coordinator | Wentworth Institute of Technology, Schumann Library & Learning Commons

Co-Moderator | Art Libraries Society of North America, Architecture & Planning Section

[log in to unmask] | 617-989-4455


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