

The Spring meeting of the Retirement SIG will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 4pm EDT, on Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 4328 6981
Passcode: 725035

Carol and I hope to see you at this virtual business meeting. I hope to see many of you in Pittsburgh at the in-person conference. Carol will not be able to come to Pittsburgh but we talked about setting up an informal get-together for those in Pittsburgh. I will be at the hotel bar on Friday afternoon (April 5) at cocktail hour (5-5:30 plus and minus). If the "hotel bar" location is ambiguous (I don't know the hotel), you can call or text me at 607-281-5548 to get a more precise location. Or ask me if you see me before that. I do hope that "hotel bar" will be meaningful or at least an easy multiple choice quiz. RSVP would be appreciated but come anyway even if you haven't RSVPed.

Sherman Clarke Carol Terry
Co-moderators, Retirement SIG
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