OCEAN is back with a great spring lineup of sizzling copyright issues. 


With so many copyright issues in the news, OCEAN's Program Committee has chosen the following four topics for this spring's Discussion Series.  As always, kindly review OCEAN's Code of Conduct governing participation and we look forward to seeing you on Zoom!



Session 1

Friday April 12, 2024 at noon Eastern on Zoom

To attend, Register Here 


Presentation: Unlocking the Digital Age:  The Musician's Guide to Research, Publishing, and Copyright

by Kathleen DeLaurenti and Andrea I. Copland


Please join authors Kathleen DeLaurenti and Andrea I. Copland who will talk about their fantastic new OER publication about copyright, music and research and take your questions.  Based on coursework developed at the Peabody Conservatory, this book serves as a crucial resource for early career musicians navigating the complexities of the digital era. This guide bridges the gap between creative practice and scholarly research, empowering musicians to confidently share and protect their work as they expand their performing lives beyond the concert stage as citizen artists. It offers a plain language resource that helps early career musicians see where creative practice and creative research intersect and how to traverse information systems to share their work. As professional musicians and researchers, the authors’ experiences on stage and in academia makes this guide an indispensable tool for musicians aiming to thrive in the digital landscape.  They welcome notice of adoptions, feedback, and errata reports at: https://peabody.jhu.edu/life-at-peabody/career-services/oer/unlocking-the-digital-age/



Session 2

Friday, April 26, 2024 at noon Eastern on Zoom

To Attend, Register Here


Exceptions to Copyright and Music

Please join a panel of experts that will discuss the potential of using copyright limitations and exceptions to preserve and provide access to music compositions and recordings found in collections.  In particular, how does a museum professional, librarian or archivist harness the potential of ss.108, 110 and 107 and to what extent can they rely on these provisions to shelter their organizations from claims of infringement?  Finally, are there access models that appear to be working?  Panelists will discuss the legal provisions and then present access models currently in use. Panelists will be announced shortly!



Session 3

Friday, May 3, 2024 at noon Eastern on Zoom

To Attend, Register Here


Copyright, AI, and TDM

There is absolutely no doubt that research institutions and copyright law have entered the age of artificial intelligence!  Please join a panel of experts that will tackle emerging copyright issues and the application of fair use to the development of artificial intelligence as distinguished from research using text and data mining tools. Panelists will be announced shortly!



Session 4

Friday May 17, 2024, at 11 a.m. Eastern on Zoom (Please note the slight change in time for this session!)

To Attend, Register Here


Museums, Images and Open Access

Did you know that the Royal Albert Museum in the UK is now providing open access to images of objects and materials in their collection?  This exciting new initiative, in partnership with the GLAM-E Lab at the University of Exeter, was announced by the museum this past February!  This will allow people around the world to make new cultural discoveries and raise the museum's profile. It is just the 9th UK cultural institution to adopt open access for all digital collections.  Please join  panelists from the GLAM-E Lab, the University of Exeter and US experts who will discuss open access as it applies to museum images.



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