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Material Time Symposium, Harvard Graduate School of Design, April 12th, 10:30 am – 3:30 pm EST

The current building’s relationship to time is fixed, with weathering and material transformations only superficially accounted for through necessary repairs. The frozen-in-time relationship we have with the built environment relies on materials from a nearly exhausted supply chain, prompting a shift towards local and regenerative sources. While bio-based materials are possible sustainable alternatives, their susceptibility to weathering and shorter lifespan compared to mineral-based counterparts invites thinking about temporality through observable material transformations.

This symposium examines bio-based materials, including their growth, assemblies, maintenance, and experimentation practices. It explores their current and potential applications across different design scales, while also discussing strategies for thinking, teaching, and design approaches. Central to the gathering are the questions: How should we understand design in relation to the temporality of materials? In what ways could we incorporate material transformations into the design process?

The event will not be live-streamed, but the recordings will be archived on the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and Material Order web pages.

Register here for the symposium.

For full information about the symposium, please see Material Time - Harvard Graduate School of Design







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Ann Whiteside

Assistant Dean for Information Services, Frances Loeb Library

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Harvard University | Graduate School of Design 
48 Quincy Street | Cambridge, MA 02138 | +1- 495-4010

Pronouns: she, her

My standard working hours are M-F 9-5pm (EST). I am typically on campus M-F, with some Wednesdays remote.

I do not expect a response outside of your own working patterns.


President, Association of Architecture School Librarians


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