Dear ARLIS/NA --

Our 52nd annual conference in Pittsburgh this spring draws closer, and the Pittsburgh CPAC is greatly looking forward to sharing the joys of this art-rich, culture-filled city with you -- starting with our Welcome Reception on Tuesday night April 2, 2024!

Welcome Party: August Wilson African American Cultural Center photos by Melanie Emerson and Karyn Hinkle

After a day of workshops and tours, the conference officially opens in a beautiful museum and performance space that celebrates the influence of Black artists on Pittsburgh's culture. We will invite conference attendees to walk a few blocks across downtown Pittsburgh that evening, from the conference hotel to the August Wilson African American Cultural Center, where we can see an installation of the Hill District coffee shop where the namesake Tony- and Pulitzer- winning playwright August Wilson wrote; take in art exhibitions, such as one shown this fall featuring photographs by another multi-award winning artist from Pittsburgh, the photographer Charles "Teenie" Harris; and admire the skyline of this incredible city while you catch up with your ARLIS/NA colleagues from near and far.

Later that week, we will invite conference attendees to celebrate the close of our 52nd meeting at the Convocation Reception on Thursday night April 4, 2024!

Convocation Reception: Children's Museum of Pittsburgh photos by Rachel Resnik and Karyn Hinkle

Following the convocation ceremony at the hotel with a keynote talk by the artist Ann Hamilton, we will invite conference attendees to travel by charter bus to the Allegheny Commons Park neighborhood, where the creative and very popular Children's Museum of Pittsburgh will open its doors after hours for ARLIS/NA. Art of all kinds, interactive and visual, can be enjoyed throughout the Children's Museum, thanks to the organization's long engagement with contemporary artists through residencies, programs, and artwork commissions, and we will be able to play with and alongside works by Dick Esterle, Shohei Katayma, Camille Utterback & Romy Achituv and many others, and under all of the gorgeous ceilings and walls pictured above, also among many others!

We are really looking forward to seeing ARLIS/NA here. If you have not registered for the conference yet, early bird rates are available until March 1!

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