

Hello ARLISians,

The Midstates Chapter of ARLIS/NA is excited to announce applications are open for the annual Midstates Sponsored Student Membership Award.

Midstates Sponsored Student Membership Award

This award supports a student or recent graduate’s professional development by providing funding for ARLIS/NA and Midstates Chapter memberships. Candidates for this award must either be a Masters's or Ph.D. student enrolled for the current spring semester or a recent graduate in the past academic year. This award is open to anyone currently residing in Midstates Chapter-eligible states who are interested in pursuing a career in Art Librarianship (it is not limited to those earning library science degrees). For a list of eligible states, please see this page.<>

The recipient of this award must be able to make a one-year commitment. Over the course of that year, the recipient is expected to:

  *   join the chapter’s Mentorship Program as a mentee

  *   participate in the fall chapter meeting (virtually or in person depending on location)

  *   write a brief report of their experiences for the following year’s spring chapter newsletter

  *   serve on the selection committee for this award in the next cycle

To apply for this award, please submit a brief letter (500 words) stating how the award will benefit your professional goals, a list of relevant coursework, and a current resume or CV, via this Google form<>.

Applications are due by May 14 at midnight CST, and questions can be directed to Flannery Cusick at [log in to unmask]


Midstates 2024 Awards Committee

Flannery Cusick

Graduate Assistant, Ricker Library of Architecture and Art

MS in Library and Information Science

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]