The ARLIS/NA Texas-Mexico Chapter is pleased to announce Devin Selby as the recipient of the 2024 Lois Swan Jones Award. 

This $1000 award supports attendance at the 52nd ARLIS/NA annual conference held in Pittsburgh, PA from April 2-5, 2024.

Devin Selby (he/him) is the Assistant Librarian at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas. He holds a BFA in printmaking from the University of Texas in Arlington, as well as an MS in Library Science and a graduate academic certificate in Art Museum Education from the University of North Texas. In his current role, his primary duties include cataloging, circulation, book preservation, and maintaining the stacks. His recent projects have involved looking for ways to incorporate zines and artist books into his library, as well as revitalizing the library reading room to prepare for future programming and community engagement in what has been a well-hidden but vastly rich resource for art education in the heart of Dallas-Fort Worth. When he’s not working, he’s spending quality time with his wife and daughter, traveling to visit art museums and national parks, collecting books, drawing, creating album art for bands, and self-publishing zines.

The committee was impressed with Devin’s commitment to building a career in Art Librarianship as a new professional. Devin is an active member of several SIGs and is the Conference Liaison for ArLiSNAP. In Pittsburgh you’ll find him and other dedicated ArLiSNAP volunteers tabling near the registration area, welcoming students and new professionals to the conference. If you see Devin in Pittsburgh please introduce yourself!

The LSJ award honors the memory of Lois Swan Jones, Professor Emerita of art history at the University of North Texas and charter member of the Texas Chapter. Established in 1992, the award supports and encourages participation of a member of the ARLIS/NA Texas-Mexico Chapter at the national level by helping with conference expenses. Professor Jones authored several standard publications on art information research methods and received the 1996 ARLIS/NA Distinguished Service Award. The combination of her enthusiasm, commitment to education, and love for art history serves as a model for art information professionals.

Thank you to our Chapter contributors who made this year’s award possible. For more information about the LSJ award, including a list of previous awardees, visit: 

Respectfully submitted by the 2024 Lois Swan Jones Award Committee:

Lauren Gottlieb-Miller (University of Houston), Chair; Shari Salisbury (University of Texas at San Antonio); Jenny Stone (Dallas Museum of Art)

University of Houston logo
Lauren Gottlieb-Miller (she/her)
Associate Dean for Special Libraries and Preservation
University Libraries
University of Houston
Office (713) 743-1764 
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