A logo for the Art Libraries Society of North America's 52nd annual conference with POP! In large black bubble letters and dates for the conference below in pink (April 2-5, 2024).


Greetings ARLIS/NA Colleagues, 


As we move closer to our annual conference in Pittsburgh, PA, you’ve heard about Fallingwater, been thrilled by the announcement of our illustrious keynote speakers, even heard from the CPAC about our incredible reception venues. But let’s not forget the reason we all gather in the first place–to share our knowledge and experiences, and to gather as a community to co-create the future of arts information professions. 


Now that we are less than two months away from the 52nd Annual ARLIS/NA Conference, it’s high time that we hyped up our incredible program! Your programming co-chairs have been hard at work preparing an exciting and diverse program full of your presentations, roundtables, lightning talks, posters, and workshops. We’re excited about every single item on the program, but for now we’ll highlight a few selections to whet your appetite:


Art + Data in Libraries: This workshop will encourage participants to think of datasets through creative means, visualizing information non-digitally. Even better, it’s a train the trainer event, giving participants insight into how they can take the workshop to their own institutions.


Spotlight on Andy Warhol: This virtual panel will bring a slice of PGH to the folks streaming the conference online (or in the conference hotel’s dedicated streaming room). Panelists will be diving into Warhol’s expansive archive, recent developments in fair use, and Warhol’s first mass-produced book.


Pass the POPcorn: Snack-sized talks on working with research-based artists: In this roundtable, you’re getting quality and quantity of talks! This band of art librarians will share their experiences working with artists and designers who integrate research into their artmaking practice. (Bonus points for the Natalie Lovelace reference in the abstract.)


ArLiSNAP Your Way to Success: Career Development Workshop: The students and new professionals of ArLiSNAP are back at it again with their annual career panel discussion and CV workshop. For constructive feedback from pros and peers, look no further!


AI Among Us: New Approaches to Library Instruction: On nearly every campus, it’s impossible to ignore the AI buzz. This panel offers case studies detailing the agony and the ecstasy of integrating AI into library pedagogy.


The Future Is Family: Considering Parental and Family Leave Policies: a Roundtable Discussion: This conversation brings caregivers working at a range of institutions together to discuss policies, practices, and strategies for advocating for family leave and accommodations while at work..


And there’s so much more where that came from! We invite you to peruse the full schedule, and we want to make an extra-special shoutout to all of our panelists, moderators, workshop leaders, and poster presenters who have made this year’s program so robust. Please join us in thanking them when we are all together in Pittsburgh and online. As a reminder, registration is open, and you can secure the Early Registration Rate until March 1


Warm regards, 


Courtney & Michele





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