Hello ARLISians!

Do you make creative work? Would you like to share it with fellow members of ARLIS/NA? Join SCIP for our first-ever ARTIST TALKS lightning session in Pittsburgh: Play/Work: Pop-Up Artist Talks.

The Stimulating Creativity in Practice SIG is excited to organize our first session of this kind: an opportunity to celebrate the massive creativity within this professional community and a forum to practice the artist talk as a crossover professional skill. In lightning talk style, these presentations will be brief and tightly stacked, with time reserved for a final Q&A and conversation.

We are now seeking presenters for five-minute artist talks (no need for the creative work to be professionally related). Never given an artist talk before? GREAT! Seasoned pro? We’d love to hear from you too.

To submit a proposal, simply respond to this message with 2-5 images and a brief summary of what you’d like to present. It can be as simple as sharing what you’re currently working on or as complex as a speed-run through your entire artistic career (but we will be keeping time vigilantly, so please keep it to five minutes). If you’d like to start with a prompt: consider the dynamics of play and work so endemic to artmaking, how creative exploration may (or may not) intersect with your occupation, and what frameworks exist to support the kinds of play/work we aspire to do.

In the unlikely event we receive more proposals than we can accept, a group of SCIP SIG members will select speakers to reflect a diversity of artistic experience, creative interests, and disciplines/media.

Moderator, Emily Coxe
Vice-Moderator, Fong Ku


Emily Coxe she/her

Assistant Director, Access Services

Fleet Library at RISD


Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: http://www.arlisna.org/membership/join-arlisna Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: http://lsv.arlisna.org Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]