Greetings from Rare Book School! 


Expand your understanding of book history during a Rare Book School course this summer! Our five-day intensive courses on the history of manuscript, print, and digital materials will be offered online and in person at the University of Virginia and other partner institutions. 


Among our forty-two courses, we are pleased to offer several pertinent to those involved in the study of art history. The following is a sample of the breadth of the RBS offerings: 


B-10: Introduction to the History of Bookbinding, taught by Karen Limper-Herz (of the British Library) 


I-10: The History of Printed Book Illustration in the West, taught by Erin C. Blake (of the Folger Shakespeare Library)

 I-40: The Illustrated Scientific Book to 1800, taught by Caroline Duroselle-Melish (of the Folger Shakespeare Library) and Roger Gaskell (of Roger Gaskell Rare Books)

I-85: Japanese Prints and Illustrated Books in Context, taught by Julie Nelson Davis (of the University of Pennsylvania)


To be considered in the first round of admissions decisions, course applications should be submitted no later than February 19. Applications received after that date will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Visit our website at for course details, instructions for applying, and evaluations by past students. Contact us at [log in to unmask] with questions. 


Please share this information with colleagues, students, and friends.  


We hope to see you at Rare Book School soon! 


With kindest regards,  

The RBS Programs Team 

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