

The number and diversity of responses sent to me by ARLIS members and Society friends regarding historic art historians of color was humbling.  My students and I have been culling names this semester from the major bibliographies of black-art subjects, Igoe, et al.  We still felt we weren't identifying them fully.

Librarians or staff at the following institutions gave thoughtful suggestions for which I am deeply grateful:

Archives of American Art
American Craft Council Library
Camille Ann Brewer Fine Art
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Library
New York Public Library
The Pennsylvania State University Libraries
Princeton University Libraries
retired librarians
Syracuse University Library
University of North Carolina Libraries
University of Washington Libraries
Wesleyan University

I stand in debt to the Society and to the many friends I have made there over the years.  Best wishes for your Thanksgivings,


Lee Sorensen


Lilly Library

Duke University

Editor, Dictionary of Art Historians<>

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