Dear Colleagues,


Save the date! In partnership with the Collection Development SIG, the Academic Library Division will be hosting its quarterly open forum on Tuesday, November 28th at 3:00pm EST/12:00pm PST. The hour-long open forum will be a discussion centered around the management of serials collections.


Forum topics will include assessing electronic subscriptions, de-selecting bound periodicals and microfilm (or not!), managing serials budgets, and more. Are there any serials projects you’ve embarked upon recently that you are proud of or would like to discuss? Are you downsizing your print serials collection? Or adding new print titles? We encourage you to share any accomplishments or projects with the group! A full agenda will be forthcoming.


Date: Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Time: 3:00pm EST/2:00pm CST/1:00pm MST/12:00pm PST

Zoom link:


The open forum will not be recorded to allow participants to speak freely. Summary notes including any links to resources will be shared in the Academic Library Division Humanities Commons group. Everyone is welcome – hope to see you there!


On behalf of the Academic Library Division and Collection Development SIG,


Claire Payne & Lauren Gavin, ALD Moderators

Madison Sullivan, CD SIG Coordinator




Claire Payne she/her/hers
College of Art and Design Liaison/Librarian
RIT Libraries
Rochester Institute of Technology

Wallace Library 1455
90 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester NY 14623
W: 585-475-7871
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RIT | Rochester Institute of Technology

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