

Dear prospective ARLIS/NA sponsors and exhibitors,

We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for the 52nd annual Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) conference, a nexus of innovation, information, art, and design. This renowned event will unfold at the historic Omni William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh from April 2nd to 5th, 2024.

Since 1972, ARLIS/NA has defined and championed the arts information profession. Our annual conference is a testament to our unwavering commitment to creating a vibrant and just world activated by arts information and advanced by arts information workers.

Why ARLIS/NA 2024 is Unmissable for You:


Reserve Your Exhibit Space Now to ensure your voice is heard by the top professionals in the field.

Please review the SPONSOR, EXHIBITOR, & ADVERTISER PROSPECTUS for the ARLIS/NA 2024 conference for a comprehensive look at the opportunities awaiting you at ARLIS/NA 2024.

In the coming month, Heather Slania, our Exhibits Coordinator, will reach out with a personalized follow-up to introduce our dedicated exhibits team and assist with any inquiries you may have. The team is committed to providing a seamless experience as you prepare to exhibit.

We are excited about the potential of your participation and are confident that your presence will be a significant addition to the richness of our event. For any immediate inquiries or to express your interest, please get in touch with Heather directly at [log in to unmask].

Join us in Pittsburgh for an experience that promises to be as enriching as it is memorable.

Warm regards,

Kim Collins, Exhibitor/Sponsor Liaison
Heather Slania, Exhibits Coordinator
Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)


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