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Greeting ARLIS/NA Community,

As we transition from summer to fall, I want to take a moment to share with
you a few ARLIS/NA activity and initiative highlights. This is just a brief
overview to touch on some of the great work being done by our colleagues
across the society.

For more communications, I encourage all ARLIS/NA members who have not yet
joined the ARLIS/NA Commons to take a few moments to do so now. You can
register here <>. Once you’re in
the Commons, join the groups you are most interested in to stay up to date
on the discussions happening in our divisions, sections, special interest
groups, and chapters.

 *52nd Annual Conference in Pittsburgh*

At the beginning of the week I joined the conference co-chairs and planners
in Pittsburgh for our conference site visit meeting. We did an immersive
tour of the Omni William Penn facilities, which are stunning. Our tours of
local museums and cultural institutions have given us a clear picture of
where our tours and parties will be held and I can guarantee
conference-goers are in for a treat. Conference proposals are rolling in as
I write this and if the chatter on the listserv and in ARLIS/NA Commons is
any indication, the program is going to be fascinating. We’ve started
building out the conference website
<> and we will be
adding information throughout the fall.

*Strategic Planning Committee*

Under the direction of the Strategic Planning Committee the society adopted
a new mission, vision, and values <> in
April. It beautifully captures the spirit of ARLIS/NA and serves as an
excellent foundation for the plan that is in the process of being drafted.
This summer the committee invited constituent leaders from across the
organization to contribute strategies to build out the strategic plan. I’m
looking forward to seeing the results of this collaborative work.

*Code of Conduct Task Force*

Over the summer the Executive Board appointed a crackerjack task force to
move along the development of a new code of conduct. We will have a more
comprehensive and thoughtful code of conduct by winter, which will cover
both online and in-person interactions.

*Sofia Leung Talk*

I hope everyone will mark their calendars for a virtual talk by acclaimed
social justice promoter, Sofia Leung <>. She
has done numerous keynotes and presentations on critical race theory, white
supremacy and their connection to libraries. Organized and present by the
Diversity and Inclusion Committee, this talk will be Wednesday, October 4,
2-3 p.m. ET. Be on the lookout for forthcoming registration instructions
from the Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

*IRC Study Tour to Florence*

Also in October is the International Relations Committee’s study tour to
Florence. The swoon-inducing itinerary is still under development, but
looks like it will include visits to the Uffizi Library, the Alinari
Archives, and an optional day trip to visit Medici villas. This tour
developed in collaboration with the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
is now full, but stay tuned for developing information about the future
tours to Japan and Chile.

I hope you all had a restful and rejuvenating summer and wish you well as
you gear up for the fast pace of fall. For me it’s too soon for pumpkin
spice lattes, but I do love the fall season for ARLIS/NA, as it is the time
our chapter get-togethers provide a lovely opportunity for connection,
camaraderie, and the rich exchange of ideas.



Rachel Resnik
ARLIS/NA President
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
621 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
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