

Dear all,
I am pleased to announce the release of the summer 2023 issue of American Art<> (vol. 37, no. 2).
Feature Articles
Feeling Brown or Acting White? Spectacles of Racialized Performance and Pain in José Clemente Orozco's U.S.-based Prints<>, by Mary K. Coffey
The Clean, Open Air of John Sloan's Tenement Paintings<>, by Lee Ann Custer
Juan Sánchez's Counter-Archive<> by Adriana Zavala
Indigenous Space: Hodinöhsö:ni' Sky World and the Territories of American Art<> by Jordan Reznick
The McKinley Bowl's Services and Disservices, 1898-1901<> by Joseph H. Larnerd
Donald Evans: Painting a Postcolonial World, One Stamp at a Time<> by Sophie Cras

For submissions guidelines, see:<>.

Robin Veder [VEE-der] (she/her)
Executive Editor, American Art
Smithsonian American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | (202) 633-8335

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