Hi all, 

I wanted to send an email to the list with an update about Maintenance Culture a project by Myriad, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), that is developing resources and offering trainings in preserving born-digital creative works in six locations across the country this year.

We’re hosting a free workshop in Detroit on August 2nd & 3rd  for people who work in small and mid-sized cultural heritage organizations and who are interested in preserving works of digital design, time-based media, net & software art, etc. Drawing on established digital preservation frameworks as well as conservation best practices for works of new media, our workshop aims to grow expertise amongst archivists, librarians, curators, and other collections professionals who work at institutions that may not traditionally have the financial or staffing capacity to care for these types of objects. 

Applications for our Detroit workshop are open and can be found here. They are not time-intensive and some funding to offset travel costs may be available as well. If you're based in the Midwest, please consider joining us! 

To learn more about the project and our upcoming events (we'll be in Los Angeles and New Orleans later this year), follow us on social media: Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / LinkedIn 

Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions.

All the best, 

Elena Cordova

Project Director 

Maintenance Culture

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