

Hello, collective wisdom. I have a professor who is creating an undergraduate course based on a grad course she teaches. The course is titled "Green Art: Earthworks and Beyond." She used Beardsley's Earthworks and Beyond in the grad course, but she would like a newer, linear text better suited to undergrads and one that has newer works than what can be found in Beardsley. 
I haven't had much luck other than a couple of possibles. Anyone have any ideas? Below is the outline of the course.

This class takes as a point of departure the idea of Earthworks, those site-specific works of art that incorporated landscape into artwork in new and exciting ways. In addition, the course responds to various feminist discourses about the land-based works, the demands of performance art, and the introduction of ephemeral art projects into the art market.

This course brings together ideas, tools and methods from across a spectrum of arts, sciences, progressive agriculture, and folk traditions with an ultimate interest in sustainable and creative relationships with the earth’s life support systems. The course assumes that the environmental problems we face are largely the product of culture, and as such, require cultural responses. Participants are expected to engage with current discourse on art, ecology, and environmentalism, while challenging themselves to conceptualize and make engaging, creative, and ecologically informed responses to their world.

Course Goals:

1. Understand key themes in contemporary environmental art practice through research, viewing, and discussion

2. Develop a formal and critical vocabulary through discussion and critique of artworks dealing with environmental themes.

3. Enhance research and writing skills for critical and creative inquiry in the arts.

4. Build aesthetic and conceptual sophistication through the creation of one major project exploring ecological issues through art.

5. Engage in an interdisciplinary learning environment through presentation, discussion, and collaboration.

Jeff Alger

Librarian III, Subject Liaison for Design and Music

University Library

701 Morrill Rd | 150 Parks Library

Iowa State University

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