

What do the Duchamp Research Portal, Digital Library of the Middle East, and MoMA’s online course Reimagining Blackness and Architecture have in common? These resources have all been reviewed in recent issues of the ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews (M&TR).


Available quarterly via the ARLIS/NA Commons, M&TR investigates online resources supporting arts scholarship, research, and librarianship, including digital tools, projects, and websites. While focused on evaluating specific products and projects, these reviews are also designed to engage readers in a conversation about how online technologies can be deployed. 


We’d like your suggestions for items to review! If there is a resource or topic that you think should be reviewed, please let us know by filling out this form.


M&TR also seeks reviewers. Calls for reviewers are published quarterly.



M&TR Co-Editors


Virginia Kerr

Alexandra Alisa Provo

Karina Wratschko

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