We are looking for a book-edge scanner to replace our book-edge photocopier, for use by library staff.  Is anyone using a book-edge scanner that they would recommend?


Any advice would be much appreciated!


Thank you,





Linda Morita | Librarian/Archivist | McMichael Canadian Art Collection

10365 Islington Avenue | Kleinburg, ON  L0J 1C0 | CANADA

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Conversations: Masterworks from the Collection 

A diverse selection of works celebrating the inter-generational dialogues of Canadian art.   


Meryl McMaster: Bloodline 

The self as seen through the lens of history, family, the land and the more-than-human world. 


The Uses of Enchantment: Art & Environmentalism 

Seven contemporary artists explore our collective experience of climate change and species loss. 


William Kurelek: Jewish Life in Canada 

A suite of 16 paintings that express Kurelek’s compassionate view of humanity. 


Home to the Art of Canada


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