New and changed LCSH for Art & Architecture January 2023

Buildings, Parks, Sites and Structures

110 294 Riverside Drive House (New York, N.Y.) 

151 Barranca Site (Costa Rica)

151 Chaturbhujnath Nala Caves (India)  

151 Chayu Kongwŏn (Inch'ŏn, Korea) 

110 Diller Residence (New York, N.Y.) 

110 Kleeberg Residence (New York, N.Y.) 

151 Nacoochee Indian Mound (Ga.) 

151 Parc olympique (Montréal, Québec)

110 Plas Newydd (Llanwnog, Wales) 

110 Playa Grande Site (Dominican Republic)

151 Tūlūl al-Baqarat Site (Iraq)  

110 Villa del giurista (Rome, Italy)  

151 Waʻer Site (Israel) 

Topical Subject Headings

150 Deck access housing [May Subd Geog] 

150 Knots and splices--Symbolic aspects [May Subd Geog] 

150 Photograms [May Subd Geog] ADD GEOG

150 Portrait drawing, Ukrainian [May Subd Geog]  

150 Silpathorn Awards  

150 Sports and the arts [May Subd Geog]  

150 Watercolor painting, Malaysian [May Subd Geog] 


Deirdre Donohue
Interim Associate Director

Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints, and Photographs

The New York Public Library
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

476 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018

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