
I'm writing to announce the LD4 Art & Design Affinity Group, a community of practice that explores the unique challenges of modeling, creating, querying, and visualizing linked data related to art and design including:
• Domains such as visual arts, performance art, craft, architecture, graphic design, and fashion
• Events such as exhibitions, performances, and auctions
• Formats such as catalogs, artists’ books, visual resource collections, and artist files

Read more about the group at ld4.github.io/art-design
Join our mailing list at groups.google.com/g/ld4-art-design
Suggest a topic/presenter (including a project of your own) at tinyurl.com/ld4-art-design-suggest


Join the LD4 Art & Design Affinity Group for our next call on Wednesday, April 26, where Benjamin Zweig (NGA) will speak about the National Gallery of Art's Wikimedia project:

LD4 Art & Design Affinity Group Call
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
2pm Eastern/1pm Central/12pm Mountain/11am Pacific (convert time zone)
Google Meet joining info:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zfc-tqky-uxq
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 424-327-8285‬ PIN: ‪466 913 920‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zfc-tqky-uxq?pin=2272911746130

Feel free to share/all are welcome!

With care,

Karly Wildenhaus (she/her)

Senior Metadata Specialist

Digital Research

Library Services Center

The New York Public Library

31-11 Thomson Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101

917.229.9620 | x39620


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