Dear ARLIS/NA colleagues,


UNC-Chapel Hill is hosting a virtual artist talk with Ashley Minner on Thursday, February 16th at 12pm EST. You are warmly invited to join us! It is free and open to the public. Information & registration available here:


This event accompanies the exhibition Every Book a Mirror: Book Artists Engage with the 21st Century, currently on display in the Wilson Special Collections Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It features works from the Sloane Art Library’s collection ranging from one-of-a-kind, handmade artists’ books like Minner’s The Exquisite Lumbee, to artists’ publications made to accompany performances or interventions like Dread Scott’s The Fragments of the Peculiar Institution, to Web-to-print work like Zachary Norman’s Endangered Data. There are over 70 artists’ books and zines on display.


A digital version of the exhibition is available here:

You can see installation photos on our Instagram:






[log in to unmask]" alt="Artist Ashley Minner in a bright yellow blouse next to her artist's book the Exquisite Lumbee with the time and date of her artist talk February 16th at 12pm">



Alice Whiteside (she/her/hers)

Head, Joseph C. Sloane Art Library

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

919.962.1061[log in to unmask]​​


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