

Dear Colleagues,
Apply for the ARLIS/NA Southeast Professional Development Award!!

  *   Are you an art librarian or library student living in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands territory?
  *   Are you hoping to attend the 51st  ARLIS/NA Annual Conference<> in Mexico City, Mexico, April 18-21, 2023?
  *   Are you looking forward to a regional ARLIS meeting, international ARLIS conference, or another professional development opportunity sponsored by the Art Libraries Society?

To encourage the professional development of our members, the Art Libraries Society of North America Southeast Chapter (ARLIS/NA-SE) will sponsor one $700 (USD) award for the strongest applicant to participate in an ARLIS-related professional development event or activity. Please see below for eligibility and required duties of the award recipient.

To apply, complete the online application form<> by 11:55 pm EST Wednesday, February 22, 2023. The recipient will be notified by February 27th, in order to catch the early registration rate ending March 6th. All applicants will be notified regardless of outcome.


The purpose of this award is to cultivate a talented, dedicated, and educated group of professionals for the ARLIS/NA organization as well as the ARLIS/NA-SE chapter. Funds from this award may be used to defray expenses associated with professional development activities at an annual ARLIS/NA conference, ARLIS regional meeting, or other ARLIS-sponsored professional development activity


Any individual meeting these criteria may apply for the award; however first-time applicants are given preference:

  *   Currently resides in the geographic area served by the ARLIS/NA-SE chapter (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, and the U.S. Virgin Islands).
  *   Membership in ARLIS/NA-SE and ARLIS/NA at the time of application is not required, although preference will be given to current ARLIS/NA-SE members.
  *   Currently be either employed in the field of art librarianship and/or visual resources curatorship, or enrolled in an educational program leading to a graduate degree in librarianship.
  *   Current students, individuals beginning their professional career within the field of Art Information in the past five years, and paraprofessionals who are becoming active in ARLIS/NA or ARLIS/SE for the first time may be included.
  *   Recipients of the award may not reapply in future years.

Award Recipient Duties

The Professional Development Award recipient is expected to:

  *   Attend an event (such as a conference) or activity (such as a professional development training or institute) sponsored by ARLIS. The event or activity may be in person or virtual.
  *   If attending the ARLIS/NA Conference:
     *   Participate in the ARLIS/NA Conference Networking program (if they have not previously done so).
     *   Attend the ARLIS/NA-SE Chapter meeting at the annual ARLIS/NA conference.
  *   For any professional development event or activity:
     *   Submit a written report on his or her conference activities within one month of completion. The report should be submitted to the ARLIS/NA-SE webmaster to be posted to the ARLIS/NA-SE webpage and to the ARTifacts Editor for inclusion in our chapter newsletter.
     *   Serve on the 2024 Professional Development Travel Award Committee and subsequently chair the committee in 2025.

Previous Award Winners

  *   View previous Award winners<>

K. Ann Holderfield, M.A. Ed., M.L.I.S. (she, her, hers)
Assistant Director of Libraries (Interim)
Research & Instruction Librarian  | USCB Library
Liaison to Departments of  Education | English, the Arts, and Interdisciplinary Studies
102 Sandstone | Beaufort Campus
(843) 521-4126 | Available through chat/video/audio in Microsoft Teams
Schedule a Research Consultation Appointment<><>

Note: Although I have sent this at a time that is convenient for me, it is not my expectation that you read, respond or follow up on this email outside your hours of work.

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