

Hello ARLISians!


The Professional Development Committee and ArLiSNAP invite proposals from students and new professionals for the annual New Voices in the Profession panel to be held at the 51st annual ARLIS/NA conference in Mexico City.


New Voices in the Profession provides professionals new to art librarianship or visual resources the opportunity to present topics from exceptional coursework, such as a master's thesis, or topics with which they are engaged early in their professional life. New professionals are defined as either students in MLIS or Master's programs leading to a career in art librarianship or visual resources, or those within five years of Master's level study.


This year we are pleased to present New Voices as a hybrid session so that panelists can present their work to the widest possible audience. Interested panelists should note that they will be required to present in person in Mexico City, and that translation services will be available for those who prefer to present in Spanish. The session is currently scheduled to take place on Wednesday, April 19 at 2 p.m. CDT.


To see papers presented in past sessions, please view conference proceedings from previous years on the ARLIS/NA website ( Papers will be selected by representatives from ArLiSNAP and the ARLIS/NA Professional Development Committee in a blinded review process.


Submissions to New Voices should include a title for the presentation, a 250 word abstract, and details regarding the submitter’s title and institutional affiliation, and should be sent to PDC chair Courtney Hunt at [log in to unmask] by Friday, February 17.





Courtney Hunt

Art & Design Librarian Assistant Professor

Pronouns: she/her/hers

The Ohio State University Libraries

Fine Arts Library

Wexner Center / Room 040L

1871 N. High Street

Columbus, OH, 43210

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