

REMINDER! Friday is the deadline to submit research awards applications. 

Have you written an interesting publication recently? This is no time to be modest! You can nominate your own or another colleague's work for a publication award.

Have an exciting idea for a research project? Tell us about it and you might be granted *funding* via a research award. 

See details below. 

Heather Gendron

Chair, ARLIS/NA Research Awards Subcommittee

Director, Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library

Yale University Library


From: Gendron, Heather <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 1:54 PM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: ARLIS/NA Research Awards - applications & nominations being accepted now!

Dear ARLIS/NA Colleagues, 


The ARLIS/NA Research Awards Sub-Committee is excited to announce that applications are now being accepted for three research awards that recognize the professional and scholarly pursuits of ARLIS/NA members. The application deadline for each of the three awards is Friday, December 16, 2022. 


The H.W. Wilson Foundation Research Award provides funds, up to $3,000, to be used in support of future and in-process research projects that contribute to and benefit the art librarianship and visual resources profession, and librarianship in general. 


The Worldwide Books Award for Publications and the Worldwide Books Award for Electronic Resources bestow cash prizes - up to $2,000 each - for outstanding print and online art publications that have been published within the past two years, 2019 or 2020. These publications may be in the form of a book, a website, an article, etc.  Publications to be considered for the award may be nominated by self-nomination, nomination by a colleague, or nomination by the subcommittee. A completed award application (see link above) must accompany each nomination. 


Whether you need funding to support your research endeavors or you have completed a print or an online publication that you are proud of, the Research Awards Sub-Committee would be delighted to recognize your scholarly contributions to our profession! Please consider self-nominating or nominate the work of an ARLIS/NA colleague that you feel deserves recognition. 

We look forward to reviewing your submissions! (Committee members: Jade Finlinson, Anna Helgeson, Alison Huftalen, Jennifer Friedman, Heather Gendron)

Heather Gendron

Chair, ARLIS/NA Research Awards Subcommittee

Director, Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library

Yale University Library


Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]