

Dear ARLIS/NA Community,

Constituent groups make ARLIS/NA special. For all of you who are leading our chapters, committees, divisions, sections, and special interest groups (SIGS) , please accept our hearty thanks! It is within these groups that we are able to forge connections and build a vibrant community.

As we work to identify leaders for chapters (2023 calendar year) and committees (2023-2024 governance year), we want to provide a general overview of the process for appointing ARLIS/NA leaders.

If you are looking for ways to get involved, scroll down for positions that are currently open and ways to volunteer.



With sixteen chapters across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico<>, there are opportunities in every region for leadership and service at the local level. Chapters hold elections annually for a range of positions including chairs, secretaries, and communications or web editors. These positions are generally for 1-2 years of service, while chapter chairs commit to a 3-year term (one as vice-chair, one as chair, one as past chair). Some chapters establish nominating committees to identify officers, while others rely on nominations or volunteers direct from the chapter membership. Chapter activities range from small virtual gatherings to tours to multi-day conferences and workshops, providing opportunities to develop leadership skills in management, budgeting, event planning, communication/social media, and more.

See a list of current Chapter officer vacancies here<>.


We do a broad call for committee chairs early in the winter and then follow up with a call for committee members, as an inclusive practice with the hope that it will diversify member involvement. The ARLIS/NA Vice President, with executive board approval, appoints committee chairs who then select the members of their committee from the pool of individuals who indicate their interest in the survey that will be shared on ARLIS-L. Committee chairs and members who are eligible for reappointment will bypass the recruitment process. Committee chairs are also encouraged to actively recruit for committee member openings.

We are currently seeking chairs for the following committees: Awards, Cataloging Advisory, Development, Diversity & Inclusion, Nominating, Professional Development.

For more information and to apply see the post from ARLIS-L<>.

Divisions/Sections/SIGs (DSS)

Each Division, Section, and SIG elects a moderator/coordinator and optionally a vice-moderator at the annual conference business meeting and then reports their new leadership to the Executive Board through their liaison (the ARLIS/NA Vice President). Annual business meetings have been held online in recent years, which allows for greater participation.

As we are currently outside of the normal selection calendar for DSS leaders, we are seeking immediate special appointments for open positions. Moderating divisions and sections or coordinating a SIG can be a less time intensive way to actively engage in the work of the society. It’s often a great introduction for someone who has not yet held a leadership position in ARLIS/NA. Please contact me directly if you would be willing to serve as moderator or chair of any of these.

Please see open DSS leadership positions here<>.

Affiliate Liaisons

ARLIS/NA actively seeks both informal and official collaborative relationships with other arts and information organizations to further the goals of art information professionals. The society encourages its members who belong to other relevant organizations to share information from other professional sources that may be of interest to ARLIS/NA and to convey related society information to peers in other arts organizations. More information here<>.

We’ll be posting a call for Affiliate Liaisons in the new year.


**Please note: ARLIS/NA membership is required to hold any of these leadership positions. You can join or renew your membership here<>. You can also find more information on ARLIS/NA’s organization here<>.

For more information about Chapters, please see the ARLIS/NA Chapter Success Book<> or contact the Chapters Liaison, Stephanie Grimm<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

For more information about Committees, Divisions, Sections, and SIGS, please see the ARLIS/NA Policy Manual<>, or contact Vice President, Rachel Resnik<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, with any questions.

You must be logged into the ARLIS/NA website to access the Chapter Success Book or Policy Manual.


Stephanie Grimm

Art and Art History Librarian and Fenwick Gallery Manager
Chapters Liaison, ARLIS/NA
George Mason University
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Rachel Resnik

Library Chair

ARLIS/NA Vice President

Massachusetts College of Art and Design

621 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02115


[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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