

Please join Maria G. Pisano in her upcoming workshops at Center for Book Arts in NYC 

To see details and register please visit:

1. The Carousel Book: <>

In-Person two days Workshop - Oct 1–2, 2022, 11:00am–4:00pm - ET

A carousel book is an ingenious work, containing three-dimensional panoramic scenes that are revealed in multilayered openings that recede into space. Its seductiveness comes as a result of its construction, a series of five scenes, which when taken together are a play in five acts. Viewed through windows or other intricate opening, they take the viewer in their world, beckoning with surprises of creative multidimensional visual experiences. When fully opened it creates a full 180 degrees stage, which from an aerial perspective can be seen as a complex star, with the viewer performing a dance around it. 

Participants in this workshop will learn how to conceptualize a 3D structure where all the parts relate to one another to tell a story; will come away with a working knowledge of binding methodology for a carousel book, including covers and pages; will learn proper cutting for this book form; and will learn the history of movable structure.

2. Make Your Mark: Printing a Flexagon Book - <>

Virtual Workshop - October 6, 2022, 1-4 pm ET 

How does one print without a press and still create images for one’s own artistic practices? This class will explore various ways of image making via the use of hand cut stencils, natural and found objects, designing and creating one’s own stamps, and more. Subsequently, using a variety of methods, hand print them and create your very own Flexagon book; a wonderful structure that spring to life when opened.

The numerous image-making possibilities inherent in these methods can all be created in your home studio or apartment, be it used for a unique piece or for editioned work. Class discussion will center on the versatility and multi-use of these unique methods and designs.

This workshop is designed for teachers, writers, artists and anyone who loves to create a richer and expansive vocabulary for their work.

Looking forward to seeing you there

Maria G Pisano
Memory Press
MGP Studio Arts

"All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary. In no case would it have been possible, once the deed was done, to prove that any falsification had taken place." 1984 by George Orwell  

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