

Greetings colleagues,

I've had some trouble filling the below requests and would appreciate any help I can get! NB: I've found that other entries on this bibliography have had incorrect details, so it's possible that these are as well. 

Kirschenbaum, Baruch, “Reflections on Michelangelo's Drawings for Cavaliere," Gazette des Beaux Arts, (April-June, 1951), published December 1960.

Kirschenbaum, Baruch, "Szczymy i Swatlo”  (Piss and Light), Obieg, June 1993. Also published in the catalogue of the Andres Serrano Exhibition, Warsaw (This one, I think? But someone checked it for me and said the article wasn't present, so the journal may be a better route)

Thanks as always!

Emily Coxe (she/her)
Assistant Director, Access Services
Fleet Library at RISD |

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