Dear ARLIS/NA Colleagues,

We are overjoyed by an overwhelming number of positive responses to our recent call for volunteers. The call is now closed. Thank you very much to all those who have expressed interest in the project. We look forward to sharing the report with our community in the near future.

Kelin Baldridge & Carol Ng-He

On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 3:30 PM Carol Ng-He <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear ARLIS/NA Colleagues:

The ARLIS/NA Visual Resources Division (VRD) is seeking a small group of volunteers to assist in the production of the upcoming “State of Visual Resources Report,” which is planned for release in 2022. Recent graduates, current practitioners, and retirees in visual resources management or anyone who is interested in the field who are ARLIS/NA members are strongly encouraged to participate.

Responsibilities of the VRD State-of Report Working Group Volunteers:
  • Review draft of general survey questions and provide additional feedback
  • Draft summaries of the survey results
  • Contribute to the case studies in the report if applicable
  • Copy-edit and proofread the report
  • Provide recommendations of potential learning opportunities for visual resources professionals based on the survey results
  • Possibly co-present the survey results in the VRD virtual meeting and lightning talks in Fall 2022 (date and time to be determined)
Anticipated Time Commitment:
The Working Group is expected to be working primarily asynchronously with occasional Zoom meetings depending on the members’ availability between June and September, 2022.

All members of the Working Group and contributors will be acknowledged in the report, which will be published on ARLIS/NA Research & Reports webpage.

Interested in Joining?
Please email to the VRD Moderator and Vice-moderator at [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask] with the following information by May 27, 2022:
  1. Are you a current ARLIS/NA member?
  2. Your current affiliation and title (if applicable)
  3. A brief description of your experience in visual resources stewardship and/or management
  4. Any experience in writing reports and editing?
  5. Would you be interested in co-presenting in the VRD fall virtual meeting?
Thank you for your attention!

Kelin Baldridge, VRD Moderator 2022-2023
Carol Ng-He, VRD Vice-moderator, 2022-2023

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