

Dear All,  


I am pleased to announce the release of the spring 2022 issue of American Art (vol. 36, no. 1).    




·         Poster Children of the Sun: George M. Ottinger’s Mesoamerican History Paintings and Latter-day Saint Identity in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, by Breanne Robertson

·         Whose Expanded Field? Bruce Nauman, New Mexico, and the Center of the Universe (1988), by W. Ian Bourland

·                                             Abstract Nationalisms: Barnett Newman and Buried History, by Saul Nelson

·         Christopher D’Arcangelo Speculates: Transcending the Art-Labor Dialectic in Post-Fiscal-Crisis New York, by Sami Siegelbaum

·         Sinners All: The Queer World of Paul Cadmus’s Seven Deadly Sins, by Angela Miller


To access the new issue, please visit:   


For submissions guidelines, see: 

Inquiries welcome!  


Robin Veder 

Executive Editor, American Art 

Smithsonian American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery  

[log in to unmask]| (202) 633-8335 | | Pronouns: she, her, hers  




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