Forwarding the announcement for a joint meeting of the ARLIS/NA Museum Library Division and the DLF Museums Cohort next Wednesday, April 27, at 2 pm ET/11 am PT. Like all DLF Museums Cohort calls, this one is open to all, regardless of institutional membership or affiliation.

Kendra Meyer of the American Museum of Natural History will discuss the importance of documentation and aspirational planning for digital preservation when you have few resources and a small staff. See the agenda for more info and call-in details.

With care,
Karly Wildenhaus
ARLIS/NA-DLF Affiliate Liaison

The next DLF Museums Cohort call takes place on Wednesday, April 27 at 2 pm ET/11 am PT. Join us and ARLIS/NA for a special joint meeting.
Museums Cohort Header

April Call: Joint Meeting with ARLIS/NA's Museum Library Division

ARLIS/NA Art Libraries Society of North America

Our next virtual DLF Museums Cohort call takes place on

Wednesday, April 27 at 2 pm ET/11 am PT.


Join DLF's Museums Cohort and ARLIS/NA's Museum Library Division for a special joint meeting in honor of ARLIS/NA's 50th annual conference held earlier in April.


This month we're excited to welcome Kendra Meyer of the American Museum of Natural History to discuss the importance of documentation and aspirational planning for digital preservation when you have few resources and a small staff.

Meet our Presenter

Kendra Meyer

Kendra Meyer is the Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archivist at the American Museum of Natural History Research Library. She holds an MLS from St. John's University, an archives certificate from Queens College, and the Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) certificate offered through the Society of American Archivists. Previously, she managed the AMNH Library's Digital Lab, oversaw the AMNH Research Library Field Book project, and worked as archivist at the Grolier Club.


Looking Back / Looking Ahead


Last meeting: At our January call we shared the results of last fall's Arts and Cultural Heritage Workers survey and discussed plans for the Museums Cohort in 2022. Catch up on the conversation in our shared agendas and meeting notes document.


Next meeting: Our next quarterly DLF Museums Cohort call takes place Wednesday, July 27. Have a project you'd like to share with the group, a topic you'd like to discuss, or are interested in helping to plan this summer's call? Contact us at [log in to unmask].


REMINDER: 2022 CLIR Events CFPs Close April 25

Join us in Baltimore

Calls for proposals for this fall's DLF Forum, Learn@DLF pre-conference workshops, NDSA's Digital Preservation 2022: Preserving Legacy, and CLIR's Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium are open through Monday, April 25, 11:59 pm ET.


This year's events take place in Baltimore, Maryland, from October 9-13. See all of this year's CFPs on the DLF Forum website.


Tweeting about the Cohort?


Received this newsletter as a forward? You can find out more about DLF's Museums Cohort and sign up for our discussion listserv here.


Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), 211 North Union Street, Suite 100-PMB 1027, Alexandria, VA 22314

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