I am posting on behalf of Lisa Pon who is teaching a class

on the History of the Renaissance Book for the California Rare Book School

August 15-19, 2022


See further details in the attached flyer and pasted below.





History of the Renaissance Book

August 15 - 19, 2022 at UCLA

Description: This course will serve as a comprehensive introduction to the history of the book in early modern Europe, from the beginning of the fifteenth century to the middle of the seventeenth. Our goal will be to use the holdings of the UCLA Research Library, with a focus on its Aldine collection, the Getty Research Institute Research Library, and the Huntington Library to learn to ‘read’ a Renaissance book, both as a physical object and as a carrier of cultural values. We will examine in turn how these books were produced, how they were distributed, and how they were used by those who bought and read them. Topics include

the transition from manuscript to printed book,

the mechanics of early printing,

famous scholar-printers,

editing and correcting,

woodcuts and engravings,

typeface and its meaning,

the popular print,


the Renaissance book trade,


the formation of libraries, both individual and institutional,

marginalia as clues to reading practices and information management, and

researching a Renaissance book, using both print and online sources.


The course is intended for special collections librarians, collectors, booksellers, and scholars and graduate students in any field of Renaissance studies and library science. Scholarship aid is available.


Recommended reading|Primary text:


Andrew Pettegree, The Book in the Renaissance (New Haven and London, 2010).


For more information and how to apply please visit: http://www.calrbs.org/admissions/

For inquiries email: [log in to unmask]



From: Lisa Pon <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 8:18 AM
To: Decamer ONLINE <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: WITH ATTACHMENT! Re: August '22 Cal RBS class: History of the Renaissance Book


Dear all,


I’m going to be co-teaching a 5-day course with Craig Kallendorf at California Rare Book School in August 2022.


I’ve attached a poster here, and hope you’ll help us pass on the word to students, librarians, book dealers, curators, and all possibly interested parties. 


Deadline for scholarship applications is May 1.


All best, stay well,





Lisa Pon, PhD

2021-2022 Guggenheim Fellow

Professor of Art History

USC Dornsife Department of Art History

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