

Dear ARLIS/NA - members- it is with great sadness that I announce the
passing of Barbara Sykes-Austin on April 12, 2022. She died peacefully at
home of cancer after nine days of home hospice. Her beloved husband Bill
Austin was with her.

Working at Avery Library was a dream job for Barbara. She and Paula Gabbard
started the same day in 1987 as Indexer/Reference Librarians. Barbara
retired in 2013. She loved working with students and also incor[porated the
role of Urban Planning Bibliographer into her duties. Barbara was the
consummate indexer who was detaIl oriented and worked to preserve standards
in vocabulary and online records.

Barbara was also very active in ARLIS/NA, serving as national Treasurer as
well as participating in New York conferences. She was active in AASL and
Urban Planning librarian groups.

She will be missed by all her colleagues. Final arrangements are still
being made.

Ted Goodman
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (ret)
ARLIS/NA DSA  Award winner and former President and Treasurer
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