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ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Needs You!

ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Co-editors are seeking volunteers
to author reviews for the June 2022 issue. To volunteer, choose a resource
from the list below and complete our Reviewer Interest form ( by Thursday, March 31.    .

Initial draft submissions are due Friday, April 29.

Contributing to ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews
<> is a great
opportunity to get involved with the Society, learn about interesting new
resources, and help shape the publication. Please feel free to read
the complete
review guidelines
direct comments and questions about the reviews to [log in to unmask]

Know of a resource we should review? Submit ideas here.

Submitted by ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Co-editors:

Gabriella Karl-Johnson

Alexandra Provo

Karina Wratschko


Resources for Review
We seek reviewers for the following resources. The snippets below are taken
from each resource's web page and are not necessarily the opinions of the
M&T Reviews Co-Editors

Art and Obsolescence Podcast

Conversations with artists, collectors, and professionals shaping the past,
present, and future of art and technology.

Internet Culturale

**Please note: this resource is in Italian only

Obiettivo primario di Internet culturale è promuovere la conoscenza del
patrimonio bibliografico e documentario offrendo anche approfondimenti
culturali sulle raccolte librarie attraverso risorse multimediali, dedicati
alla cultura letteraria, scientifica, musicale. ecc.; si propone come punto
di riferimento per quanti sono portatori di interessi nel mondo del libro;
in quanto aggregatore tematico italiano di contenuti digitali aspira ad
accogliere i risultati di queste attività realizzate dalle biblioteche di
diversa natura ammnistrativa.

Materia: Journal of Technical Art History

Materia: Journal of Technical Art History is a digital, open-access
peer-reviewed journal for the technical study of art objects. We hope to
cater to a broad readership, ranging from conservation specialists,
academic and museum professionals, or anyone interested in the materiality
of artworks. Among our contributors we count practicing conservators and
conservation scientists, as well as art historians and researchers within
the fields of material culture, archaeology and social anthropology. Acting
as a scholarly forum for the bridging of these diverse yet interrelated
disciplines, Materia aims to highlight the benefits and value of examining
our cultural heritage through a material lens.

Nautilus Catalogue

Welcome to the Nautilus Catalogue, a database aiming to include all of the
nautilus shells that have been made into artistic objects by the
transformation of the shell or addition of a framing mount. Mounted
nautilus shells are fascinating and strange objects that cross time and
geography. They were avidly collected by Europeans in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries, who appreciated their rarity, exoticism, mysterious
biology, logarithmic form, and their beauty. To me, they are gloriously
tacky and sometimes silly, and also evidence of the relationship between
Europe and the rest of the world, forged through trade and colonialism.

People of Craft

People of Craft is a growing showcase of creatives of color and their craft
in design, advertising, tech, illustration, lettering, art, and more. It’s
time to redefine what a creative looks like.

Play a Kandinsky

What if you could hear color? Explore Vassily Kandinsky’s synesthesia and
“play” his pioneering masterpiece, Yellow-Red-Blue, with the help of
machine learning. A new project from Google Arts & Culture called Play a
Kandinsky lets you go beyond imagining to hear what Kandinsky might have
heard as he looked at color. The interactive tool even lets you experience
his abstract 1925 masterpiece Yellow Red Blue through sound by clicking
around the artwork to hear a seven-movement composition that travels
through colors and moods as Kandinsky described them.

Podcasting is just over 10 years old, but it has been nothing short of an
explosion of cultural and sonic creativity: there are millions of episodes
in more than 100 languages. But this exciting new media form is shockingly
vulnerable; podcast feeds end abruptly, cease to be maintained, or simply
aren’t saved and archived properly.

PodcastRE (short for Podcast Research) aims to avoid this fate for podcasts
by preserving podcasts and presenting an interface for researching them. We
believe that what today’s podcasters are producing will have value in the
future, not just for its content, but for what it tells us about audio’s
longer history, about who has the right to communicate and by what means.
We may be in a “Golden Age” of podcasts but if we’re not making efforts to
preserve and analyze these resources now, we’ll find ourselves in the same
dilemma many radio, film or television historians now find themselves:
writing, researching and thinking about a past they can’t fully see or hear.

Visualizing the Virus

Visualizing the Virus is an interdisciplinary digital project through which
one can visualize and understand the Coronavirus pandemic from a variety of
perspectives. It aims to center the inequalities the pandemic makes visible.

Gaps between the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences are hard
to bridge. This means that pandemics are often studied without considering
their many interconnected histories. Visualizing the Virus connects
insights from different disciplines to create a collective digital space
for exactly such a convergence.

Alexandra Provo
*Metadata Librarian for Arts & Cultural Heritage Resources*
Division of Libraries
New York University
70 Washington Square South, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10012
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pronouns: she/her/hers

Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]