The Fashion, Textile & Costume Special Interest Group of ARLIS/NA is seeking at least one member to lead the SIG effective April 2022. 

Time commitment is moderate and includes reaching out to new members via the ARLIS listserv and FTC blog, liaising with the ARLIS/NA Executive Board, and organizing the business meeting at the annual conference. Conference attendance is beneficial, but not mandatory. 

The current moderators’ terms conclude next month and the vice-moderator has had to step down. The SIG will be put on ‘hiatus’ essentially unless we are able to fill at least one moderator role. Support will be available from the outgoing moderator team throughout the coming year should any questions arise. 

We welcome applications from both seasoned librarians and students. This is a great opportunity to develop your leadership skills!

Please contact the SIG moderators if interested or if you have any questions. 

Caetllonn Seadjwyc ([log in to unmask])
Cheryl Miller ([log in to unmask])

Thank you!


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