Cataloging Problems Discussion Group has been scheduled for March 22, at 2pm CDT (3 ET, 1 MT, 12 noon PT). That's the Tuesday of the first week of constituent group meetings in conjunction with the ARLIS/NA 50th anniversary conference in Chicago.
It is my understanding that the Zoom link will be available in SCHED.

CPDG is an opportunity for catalogers, metadatalists, and whatevers to crawl down into rabbit holes and dwell in the details of cataloging and related arts. We've been meeting since the mid 1970s, not quite 50 years but close. To get possible conversation going, I've compiled a list of topics that came to my attention over the past year or so.

If I was still revising the list, I'd add that the LC Policy Office has indicated that they will change the subject heading Slaves to Enslaved persons. This and related headings appear on an estimated 50,000 records so it will take a while for the revisions to work their way through the authority and bibliographic files at LC, to say nothing of WorldCat and our local catalogs. I would also mention that OCLC is adding equivalent subject headings to WorldCat records. This means a record with LCSH headings will have MeSH, RVM, AAT, etc equivalents added. This is based on authority records that have the equivalents.

I hope you'll come to CPDG and ask your questions. If you can't come to CPDG but have a question, please do not hesitate to ask.

Sherman Clarke
Alfred, NY

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