

Dear ARLIS colleagues,


The Digital Archaeology Interest Group is seeking paper proposals for a colloquium session on sustainability of digital archaeological data and related tech at the 2023 Archaeological Institute of America/Society for Classical Studies annual meetings, which will be held January 5-8, 2023 in New Orleans. Please see the Call for Papers below and kindly circulate to your colleagues, faculty, and students who engage with new and emerging digital technologies in archaeology.

Thank you!

Deb Brown Stewart

ARLIS/ Archaeological Institute of America Liaison

Co-Chair, Digital Archaeology Interest Group of the Archaeological Institute of America

Head, Penn Museum Library



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Massey <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 10:49 AM
Subject: CFP (deadline 3/14): "Long-Term Digital Data Curation in Archaeology: Lessons Learned and Guideposts for the Future" colloquium for the AIA Annual Meeting 2023


Dear DAIG members,


Call for Proposals (please distribute to interested parties)

Colloquium Session proposed for the

Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting - January 5-8, 2023


Long-Term Digital Data Curation in Archaeology: Lessons Learned and Guideposts for the Future


deadline for proposals: Monday March 14, 2022


Emerging digital technologies are creating new opportunities for the analysis and documentation of archaeological data. For example, geographic information systems, remote sensing, photogrammetry, virtual reality, and unoccupied aerial systems all facilitate novel analytical techniques for archaeological knowledge production. However, early adopters of innovative digital technologies face many unforeseen challenges that affect the long-term preservation, maintenance, and sustainability of “born digital” datasets. How can we ensure the data collected will be accessible with updated versions of hardware, software, and methodological approaches? When is the right time to let go of “old” data in the face of technologies that provide new, “better,” or different insights? How do we maintain the technologies that can access older data? Are the investments in technology and personnel training worth the cost of any new insight?


Papers are invited for this session that reflect on the following themes. We encourage papers co-authored with graduate students.
• In-depth case studies on digital technological failures in the field
• Decision-making processes for the adoption of digital technologies (successes and failures)
• Challenges and considerations of maintaining and adapting file formats to new field methodologies
• Preservation issues in (digital) legacy data
• Lessons learned from early adopters of digital technology


To submit a proposal, please provide:
1. authors’ names,
2. institutional affiliations,
3. contact information,
4. paper title,
5. requested amount of time for paper (10-20 minutes), and
6. an abstract of 400 words or less (must conform with
AIA Style Guidelines for Authors) to David Massey, [log in to unmask] by Monday, March 14.


Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Thank you!



David P. Massey

PhD Candidate

Co-Chair, Digital Archaeology Interest Group of the AIA

College of Arts and Sciences Department of Geography
Student Building 120, 701 East Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington, IN, 47405




Deborah Brown Stewart, Ph.D.


Head, Museum Library

University of Pennsylvania

3260 South Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104


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