Dearest colleagues and friends,

I wanted to share that I'm leaving my role at the Seattle Art Museum for a new job as Managing Librarian at the Washington Talking Book and Braille Library. My last day at SAM will be February 25. I'm really excited about this opportunity. In my new role, I'll be overseeing services for not only people with low and no vision (like braille transcription and audio book production), but also services for folks who have reading disabilities.

It was an incredibly hard decision to leave SAM and art museum librarianship after nearly 20 years, but the time was right. I've recently renewed my ARLIS/NA and NW Chapter memberships and plan to continue my involvement with the chapter. I need to settle into my new job before understanding my ongoing relationship with big ARLIS. I will continue to be involved with my local book arts community, continuing to be part of the (Seattle) Book Arts Guild and the Puget Sound Book Artists groups. I'm also heading the exhibition committee for the upcoming PSBA Members 2022 Exhibition in the summer at the Collins Memorial Library at the University of Puget Sound

For my SAM job, there is some hiring up the chain that needs to happen before my position is refilled. Once the position is posted, I would strongly encourage folks to apply. 

Thanks for all of your support, encouragement, assistance (how many articles have I asked to be scanned and you always came through!), and friendship. I hope to stay connected. My personal email is [log in to unmask] and I'm also on LinkedIn and Instagram. Let's keep in touch!

Traci Timmons, M.A., M.L.I.S.

Senior Librarian



Equity Team Member

Accessibility Team Member


Dorothy Stimson Bullitt Library

Seattle Art Museum

1300 First Avenue

Seattle, WA 98101

Phone: 206-654-3220

Email: [log in to unmask]

Library website:

All SAM Libraries are currently closed, but we can still assist you via email. Contact us at [log in to unmask].


OUR BLUE PLANET Seattle Art Museum, Mar 18 – May 30 2022

FRISSON Seattle Art Museum, through Nov 27 2022

EMBODIED CHANGE Seattle Asian Art Museum, through Jul 10 2022

Get tickets at

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