

Dear All,
I hope you are all continuing to create. 

I’m sharing my upcoming virtual Zoom workshops: Please visit the hosting site to see more info.

Frontline Arts: The Accordion Book: Printing Without a Press - Friday, February 25, 2022 - 1-3 pm. <>

How does one print without a press and still create images for one's own artistic practices? Class will explore various image making via the use of hand cut stencils, natural and found elements and subsequently hand print them to create your page designs. The numerous image-making possibilities inherent in this method can all be created in your home studio or apartment, be it used for a unique piece or for editioned work. Class discussion will center on the versatility and multi-use of these unique designs, culminating in a bound accordion book with covers. This workshop is designed for teachers, librarians, writers, artists and anyone who loves to create a richer and expansive vocabulary for their work. All experience levels welcome!

Frontline Arts - The Versatile One Page Book - March 24, 2022 - 1-3 pm. <>

Creating  one’s own book is a powerful way to express yourself. One-page books are  deceptively simple, yet contain a wealth of promise by their amazing versatility. They come to life through folding and cutting,  incorporating prints you have created, pop-ups, collage, poetry,  drawings, etc. and culminate in books full of your own content, be a  zine, comic book, autobiography, etc.
 Students will make at a number of one-page books, some complete with  covers. You will learn imposition, appropriate measuring, cutting,  layouts for your books and printing. These books are adaptable to any  media. You will have the opportunity to add content to the books using  invented poetry, collage, photos, your unique designs for the pages and covers and subsequently bind them.

Thank you

Maria G Pisano
Memory Press
MGP Studio Arts

"All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary. In no case would it have been possible, once the deed was done, to prove that any falsification had taken place." 1984 by George Orwell  

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